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Chris Hu said:

Did you even read what I said.  If Nvidia and MS had a good business relationship the 360 would have been powered by a Nvidia GPU and it would have been %100 percent backwards compatible and the console itself would have launched at least six month later since the original X-box would have been manufactured beyond August of 2005.  The original X-Box and the 360 would have co-existed for at least a year also.  The faulty hardware of the first batch of 360's is largely due to the rush job MS had to do because of the bad business deal with Nvidia.  They weren't afraid of Sony the only company that was afraid of Sony when it came to a console launch was Sega that's why the Dreamcast launched more then a year ahead of the PS2.  Also that's not the first time Sega was afraid of the competion that's why the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive launch more then two years ahead of the SNES.

It still doesn't explain the rush though. If the deal with Nvidia fell through, then MS could delay the XB launch. Why patch that up by launching sooner than the damage repair called for?

I sense rose-tinted glasses.