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Even if you accept the fallacy that Obama is anything more than a puppet for the system, you can't really say he's done much other than continue Bush's policies or expand upon them. At least when we're talking about the issues that really matter. We still have the Patriot Act, still have the fraudulant Federal Reserve which is causing inflation at a rapid rate and doesn't even answer to the government, still in the illegal wars of Afghanistan and Iraq, still sending jobs oversees, still have the TSA and their virtual strip search along with the phony war on terror, still have wiretapping and other big brother tactics, still the detrimental "war" on drugs, still have NATO, still losing our civil liberties, economy's still in the crapper, etc etc..

Sadly, some people like my mom still think Obama's great for the simple fact that he's a democrat, he's well spoken, and happens to support a few minor social issues she supports like gay marriage. This is the problem with the party system. If he is of the opposite party, he is "good enough." Politicians are often judged simply on their party, rather than their personal track record. This is a dangerous thought process.. And besides, republicans and democrats are actually very similar, only differing on a few minor issues. They are simply there to give you the illusion that you actually have a choice. We shouldn't have to simply pick between the lesser of evils.

I actually voted for Obama, despite my suspisions that he wouldn't and couldn't deliver on his promises of change, because we desperately needed a change from Bush, Cheney, and the neocons. but it's clear now that Obama is simply there is keep the status quo - not to change it. Despite a few minor issues here and there that mean little in the grand scheme of things, I fear that is the way it will always be, no matter who is in office.

Ron Paul was the man that could have actually made a difference - and a difference for the BETTER, but the Republicans stupidly chose Romney for their candidate.