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looking at the Miyamoto article from retro-studios all he asked was why were they making the game (the car combat game), and the guy they were talking to didn't know why they were making it,
So Miyamoto questions a team under nintendo why they are making a generic twisted metal knock off, years ago mind you, and it is some how pertenant to Jaffe today?
Jaffe's comment just seems to be witty response to a stupid question that didn't really do anything excpet quickly kill that line of discussion,
the interviewer basically asked a worthless idiotic question
and looking back at the retro interview, the guy they were interviewing makes a very good point
Pacini, "I realized that this was a major problem. Because if you can’t take criticism of your game ideas, you’re in real trouble.”
basically Miyamoto wasn't going to waste Nintendo's resources on a studio if they didn't even know why they were making the game,
the comment had nothing to do with twisted metal
it had nothing to do with Jaffe,
and it had no reason to be brought up in an interview about twisted metal with Jaffe


NOW A PUNISHER CAB!!!!!!!!!!!!!