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ironmanDX said:
RenderMonk said:

Think about it, Microsoft sells approximately 7-8 million Xbox360's each year (Especially during those early years when it was still "hot"). Over two years time that's 14-16 million Xbox360's sold. If there's a 50% failure rate, that means 7-8 million boxes had to be re-bought. Many people had theirs fail and need replaced and average of 2-4 times!!! And that's just for their highest failure rate time period. The numbers of "re-purchased" units are likely MUCH higher. That means in all actuality Xbox360 is about 5 million (easy) BEHIND the PS3, and that's with their full year head start.

Yeah, so the media carried the xbox when there were reports everywhere of the massive fail rate because of RroD? It didn't damage the publics view of the console and make other people choose other consoles such as the Wii or the PS3. RroD damged M$' reputation, note strengthened it. I like how you said "Think about it" and didn't actually do any thinking yourself.

Any bad news Microsoft has is quickly concealed and rarely ever matters to the mass of their fanbase whom are only playing barely a handful of games. Marketing in America is a very strong thing. The guy you were arguing against has a point as well. Theres quite a few people who repurchased Xbox 360's. I also know people who repurchased 360's to get their hands on the special edition versions (Yes, sold the same model, for a new repainted version). Microsoft knows how to sell consoles despite having few games coming out internally. They are a huge marketing entity.