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justinian said:
I just don't grasp some of your points.

Yeah, it's all commercial and full of pomp and ceremony but that's how the world works.

Your Point 1: In the ancient games Sparta, Anthens, Argos and other Greek states took pride in the winners coming from their state. No different than countries being proud of their own doing well at the games now.
It stands to reason that among peoples constantly at war that the ancient greeks tallied up the winners and had bragging rights over states that had less winners.
Individuals gain rewards for their efforts. In the old days it was fame, now it's fame and a good living.
In truth I don't think this side of things have changed that much so if you have an issue blame the Greeks for that.

Your Points 3, 4 & 5: Why so hasty? Let time answer these questions. Wait until the figures are processed before your slam the olympics in London.

If the games make a significant financial lost and fail to change the standard of living in the east end then you have every right to moan, not that moaning now or then will make any difference but at least if you wait for the results you may have more weapons to defend your cause.

If the results prove positive then what?

Those are basically my views. Well done, you saved me some typing.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey