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bouzane said:

While those politicians where completely overstepping their bounds

Yes, they clearly were.

 Jim Henson's family were 100% justified in their actions.  I would have thought less of them to have acted in any other way.

Your wording is tricky. It's not just a family, they also are a business. Though I agree that they don't want their image affected by the bond between them and a non pro-gay-marriage organization, they are not in the right to refuse partnership on the grounds of disagreement of convictions.

Of course I prefer this to companies that lie about it but deep down it's because of this, that is for sure. But still,  if they expect oppenness from the christian community, this is not the way to go about it because they're setting the wrong example.

So I personally would have thought more of them had they acted the other way, stating that though they disagreed with Chick-fil-A, in the name of harmony they would partner with them to show that it is possible for people of starkly opposing views to work together.

As for the idea of encouraging a business that stands for things you don't, how many times a day do I buy products from businesses that sponsor communities or causes I disagree with? Let's be honest here.

Excluding same-sex couples from the benefits of marriage is discriminatory

So I was thinking about this and it all depends on your viewpoint. For instance, slavery was abolished thankfully in the United States, though we stripped the luxury from slave-owners. The question is whether or not a priviledge is being stripped. The question is whether or not that priviledge is considered acceptable in the first place. To certain christians, homosexual marriage is not. They are against it. So even if they are asking for a right to be removed, that doesn't make their plea wrong. What would make their plea wrong is if being against it is wrong in the first place.

That's what you should be discussing. Otherwise you're just shifting the issue where it doesn't count and then will get called a hypocrite when you ask to strip rights from someone because you disagree with their practice (like it will very likely happen in the future).

Again, Christians are losing nothing by supporting same-sex marriage, this only effects the government, insurance organizations, other religious groups who support same-sex marriage, etc...

You repeating this does not make it more true. I'm not here yet, but I can't say I agree. I'll leave it here till the more important points are resolved.