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Runa216 said:
Hey, does anyone know anything about the differences/similarities of Playstation All-Stars on Vita and PS3? I'm trying to figure out for the life of me WHY there's a price disparity between the two. I went to pre-order it a couple days ago, and I noticed the PS3 version is 60 bucks, but the PSV version is 40 bucks. Last I heard (and based on my experiences with it at E3), the two versions are identical and 100% cross compatible. So I have to the 60 dollar deal a placeholder on PS3 and it's actually releasing for 40, or are they likely to go with base prices regardless?

Either way, I plan on getting both versions for the lulz, but what one I get FIRST will depend.

It's practically always been like that for games. Portable versions of titles have always held lower price points, it hasn't really been up till now that a handheld can play the exact same title if the work is put into it, Mortal Kombat for example despite having a graphical downgrade on character models when in battle kept everything else, 60fps, backgrounds, but they more than made up for it with the bonus challenge tower and bonus characters. MvC3 also degraded the background for 60fps right? But kept the rest of the game intact. Anyway, even the PSP didn't truly handle PS2 games, though control issues could be the culprit didn't PS2 games still hold a strong edge on PSP?

What it comes down to though is locked-in price points for games in the US/CA, PS3 and X360 are $60 ERV, Wii $50 ERV, while handheld games are $40 ERV. While Uncharted Golden Abyss was $50, and if you remember there was a big stink about that, most games are expected to be $40. Personally I think less uniformity in price is a good thing for the market, Vita showing a fair amount of that, while its a bit rarer for PS3 games (Sorcery, Catherine both $40 at release), I don't want to see pricing like there is in Japan reaching $90 or more for a new game. At least from the PS pricing perspective games have always jumped $10 each generation. $40 for PS1, $50 for PS2, $60 for PS3. I expect $70 games next gen but now the market is a little more vocal and immature that they are going to foam at the mouth when prices going up. Games have become a much bigger industry and people, more people than ever, are becomming use to the pricing scheme that has been artificially set. It's another reason we have seen a lot of DLC pushing and freemium games.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(