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One thing that must be accounted is that DC fans will choose The Dark Knight Rises and Marvel fans will pick The Avengers, Comic book fans are as passionate as Gamers are (Ninty vs Sony vs Xbox) I am a DC fan and to me Nolans saga redefined Batman to me, I have collected and read Chuck Dixon's run on Batman along with Denny O'neil's Grant Morrison's, Frank Miller's, Paul Dinni's, Alan Moore and all the great ones, but Nolan's interpretation of Batman on film is the best I have ever seen, the chemistry of Bruce with Alfred, Lucius, Gordon came out exactly as I always imagined they would be if Batman ever existed in RL,
The Avengers will make more money for sure, it's a movie EVERYONE can enjoy, my 6 year old cousin had his birthday party and Avengers was the theme, I saw the movie and enjoyed it, but felt that they barely focused on the villain (Loki) it seemed to me as if they barely cared what the plot was as long as it was an excuse to put these heroes together and everytime the dialogues would get too obvious, Robert Downey JR would just say something sarcastic and funny.
The Dark Knight Rises is a different movie, no 6 year old will understand it nor jump around on joy at certain scenes, Bruce's struggle is understandable same as Talia's revenge, I dont know, this movie just clicked with me.

Then again I am a DC fan so I might be biased, heck, I actually enjoyed Green Lantern and waits for a sequel (please add the flash and Green Arrow in it tho) XD.