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Adventures of Link hands down.The thrill of jumping and stabbing, upward downward thrust and the challenge, plus the leveling up I love this game. I can hear the world map enchantingly ringing in my head as I type this.
Next is Oracle of Ages. Link's Awakening, a truly breathtaking experience on the Gameboy, OoA takes this to a whole new level.
The Legend of Zelda. Very close competition with LttP, I just love my retro games. The challenge is there, and no Zelda game ever recreated the mystical nature of LoZ. AoL came close, but the first Zelda ever created was truly unique even to this day.
A Link to the Past. The Zelda we had been waiting for for so long, now with a light and a dark world. Something that would enchant us for many years to come. Who can forget the glorious muse of the dark world?