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One of my good friends died last year on a Sunday, after getting his PS3 on a Friday and playing it a bunch. He wasn't fat at all - slightly skinny, in his late 30's and we, his friends, were totally shocked. I assume he ate, slept and went to the bathroom, but seriously gamed for 2 days. Then on Sunday, walked into his family and said he needed to go to the hospital.  They tried to save him, but he died from a heart attack.

He had been a huge World of Warcraft fan, but decided to get a PS3.  He was so excieted and saved up money for a while.  Like a kid saving up for something big, he would tell anyone about the graphics, memory and stuff to anyone that would listen.

He did not have a sitting job, and was very active at work. 

I think it's the inactivity that does it. I heard something recently that like 'for every day you sit in bed in a hospital you age a year,' or something close to that.  I've known many pregant women, that were not allowed to sit more than 90 minutes due to medical complecations.  (Makes traveling interesting.)

So Kinect breaks are healthy!


Really not sure I see any point of Consol over PC's since Kinect, Wii and other alternative ways to play have been abandoned. 

Top 50 'most fun' game list coming soon!


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