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BasilZero said:
zero129 said:
DareDareCaro said:
My wife is a pathologist doing autopsy on dead bodies. In 5 years, practicing in Canada, she got 2 dead gamers in their 30s. Obesity and lower body inactivity is a recipe for disaster for pulmonary emboly.

Yes one of the reasons i made this thread  is after reading this


It has me worried as lately i spend *Alot* of time at my PC O_o .

Its actually quite common, some of these people go on for days without food, water, not going to the bathroom, sitting for 10+ hours even days, which of course will get you killed. In the end they always blame video games.

Didnt someone die cause they played too much Diablo 3 few weeks ago?

Anyways, if you are active, you probably shouldnt have to worry much.

Asians die from that kind of stuff all the time. We heard it before with other games, everquest and the like. Though in Korea, fans can kill you. 

Anyway, I'm just kidding and I know that plenty of people all over actually make the mistake of dying from not moving.'s rare but...I mean really? To choose not to get up to eat something? Or taking precautions for going to the bathroom at your computer desk? People are just looking to die.

This is interesting analysis but perhaps a lot of it is correlation that might not be the actual cause. Perhaps people who sit more than others tend to engage in activities that do cause health problems, like eating junk food, or even tend to have genetic diseases or the like that promotes fatigue and therefore sitting. Or maybe the reality TV shows have been making that population dumb down and make unhealthy choices. Maybe the bombardment of commercial ads for unhealthy foods are creating unhealthy people out of the "sitters". 

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(