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M.U.G.E.N said:

I saw someone saying there will be an event to unveil the wiiu launch date/price etc. And shane aka dumbass from gametrailers have said he saw a game that made him think the wiiu line up for launch is great and it hasn't been revealed yet. That's why I'm looking forward to seeing what they have in store

I disagree about the touting bit...but it's something that's debatable and is just depends on how you percieve these statements.

I heavily disagree about them not caring about a much more powerful rival console set. It cost them dearly this gen. They came out with the WiiU and have said 3rd party support is very important to them...this is done so to bring back the non nintendo gamers on to their side. They really haven't done a good job in promoting this ...yet. As much as they will want to deny it, better graphics, online and other features are a big selling point for a lot of gamers and they know this. I do think this will end up being bad for them in a year or so (around E3 especially) if sony/ms does showcase some impressive looking games from the start. There will be those who will criticize them for an underpowered system, just like those who did it this gen. The only way to avoid it is if either/and 1. WiiU sells crazy well, well enough to shut the critics up 2. nextbox/PS is not that more powerful. I personally don't see either of these happening. Time will tell I guess.

@underlined. Me too :)

I really agree with bold.

At the cost it's incurring to manufacturers at this rate I really hope either to be the case. I believe Nintendo is taking a more gamer-centric stance with the WiiU compared to the Wii by offering more in terms of HW as compared to last gen where it was basically cube architecture evolved. The WiiU was made to offer a competitive level of graphical power. But, it remains within their philosophy of not fighting a war of attrition, which has costed Sony and MS alot of money this gen.

I understand that gamers want top-tier graphics (and in so doing ask the console makers to bleed money), but Nintendo as a business doesn't see that as viable, and I agree with them.

You're right to say that they will run into problems because of their decision, but I believe if that does happen, it's not their fault. It's the industry's fault for leading businesses to get strung in a cut-throat dynamic.