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M.U.G.E.N said:

Well I think the best way to shut them up is to show what you got. Those who that ask these questions will not stop until then. All these comments are useless really and could potentially come back and bite them in the ass if the next gen PS Xbox actually does create a significant leap compared to wiiU. Then Nintendo will get flack from media and gamers alike on it big time. Especially if the gap is big enough and ps/xbox end up in the same ball part in capabilities...that's a sure shot recipe for a repeat of this gens 3rd party support. I think it shows more confidence if they focus on their own line up and games rather than others who have yet to be revealed imho. This is like the 5-6th time I have seen a statement like this from Nintendo since E3. They are trying to downplay their bad effort in promoting the wiiU by going after the future.

Like I told Basil, they better bring it at their WiiU event (what is it called again? And do we know a date? :S) They are touting a lot of things so they better back them up

@bold. But that's the thing, they aren't touting. The one thing that could be in favor of bold is when they said they don't believe that there will be a considerable jump, but that was another PR release. This one's very different in that they're saying that, to them, the war on graphics doesn't matter. They're two different press releases. We mentioned this for the other one, why mention it again. (Edit: but keep in mind, for this, he knows the WiiU specs and may have an idea of competitor offerings, it's his business, so he's in a better position to judge than we are that's for sure. And possibly beefing up may relate to changes in competitor HW power since the last PR where he said the leap would not be considerable)

For OP, if SonyMS release something "beefed up", it's not something Nintendo cares about at this point, because to them they did enough to please, they gave an effort on graphics for WiiU's design, but like I said not in a way to join the graphics wars, ie they don't want to fight that war. So maybe if the PS4ango is leaps beyond the WiiU, their other Press Release may be source of criticism, but this one would not be.

I've heard of a 3DS/Nintendo event but I think it's in Japan. Other Nintendo fans might be able to give a more clear answer here.