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M.U.G.E.N said:

They simply should not say anything. I mean really, Nintendo got flack for wii as well for being less powerful. It's nothing new. The best way to approach this imho is to not address the opposition at all...especially when they themselves don't know what they will come up with. Ok imagine this, next E3, sony and ms comes out with their new consoles and showcase some new games that will blow away anything WiiU has produced up to that point. At such a time EVEN if the hardware themseleves are not that more powerful, the media and a lot of gamers will go after Ninty for that. What then? It's better to just ignore and do a wait and see approach. At the moment this just comes off as damage control which is not a good thing when your system isn't even out yet. As basil said they should focus on their games, not just for launch but for the future. Rayman and zombU is a good start. Going after unknowns of the rivals is not a smart or needed thing to do.

I agree with you. But Nintendo is a business, and there is media and investors opinions involved. If they say nothing about it, people will complain about their silence.