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M.U.G.E.N said: are right on the money. They have been talking about unreleased consoles of the opposition as much as they have talked about the wiiu at this point :P Right after the negative feedbacks for E3 conference started PR like this has been very very frequent from them. Let's be honest here, they haven't done a great job in doing the things you just mentioned. The best thing about the current wiiU line up for a non mario fan is the Rayman Legends...which I'm 100% will hit other consoles next year. They can say all they want about not caring....but if they didn't they won't be talking so much about it either :PI'm guessing they are worried about having a similar situation with the non nintendo core and 3rd parties next gen as they did this gen. Let's see how Iwata and the rest 'bring it' at the Nintendo event (what's it called again? The one they have for the wiiu launch)


And I saw someone above mention something about xbox and PS adjusting their specs to have a bigger lead over wiiu 'after' the system far all the specs known/rumored/leaked point to them aiming for systems that will be better than Wiiu easily. And besides I'm no tech guru but I doubt other than small things like RAM will be changed if MSony are to release their system next year.

Muge, if they're doing damage control, it's cause people are giving them flack for having a console that isn't a powerhouse. In all fairness, what do Basil's suggestions have to do with the OP? Nintendo is a company after all, they have to do damage control PR when people are criticising. Also, they are not ready to showcase yet, so what Basil is asking for is not something they can offer.

Even if they could, it doesn't make what Iwata is saying less critical in response to those who doubt their hardware strategy.