Lowest June for US Consoles since June 2000 (!), June 2001, June 2002, etc all the way to June 2011 saw the US market buy 600,000 - 1.6 million consoles. June 2012 was more like 540,000. Not quite as bad May though, when it was the worst May for consoles since 1998 in the US. Exceptionally bad Jan-June for consoles as well.
3DS - 5m
Vita - 675k ish
Wii - 39.5+m
X360 - 34.3+m
PS3 - 21.3+m
DS - 52m
PS2 - 46m
PSP - 20.5m ish (have to check this one)
X360 in the past 12 months - 6.5m (all time 12 month-high: 7.4m)
PS3 in the past 12 months - 4.2m (all time 12 month high: 5.0m)
Wii in the past 12 months - 3.6m (all time 12 month high: 10.9m)
People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.
When there are more laws, there are more criminals.
- Lao Tzu