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prayformojo said:
My prediction? The Wii U is Nintendo's Gamecube all over again. The thing people forget about Nintendo is, they've really only ever had two commercially dominant systems, the NES and Wii. The SNES was beaten by Sega for most of it's life cycle and the N64 and Gamecube were both completely destroyed.

The only reason the Wii was such a commercial success is because it was the "it" thing to own for a few years. People who didn't know what a video game was bought it because it was "cool". Nintendo failed, somehow, to realize that trends like this implode in on themselves and made the error of going "all out" with casual gaming. They didn't think about the fact that by doing so, they were going to lose the core which are the ones who will ALWAYS be around. So basically, the casual left the party when the party wasn't "cool" anymore, and the core were offended and moved on to Sony and Microsoft. Now, who's left? Basically, just Nintendo die hard which were the ones buying and supporting the Gamecube and there aren't even close to enough of them to make a difference next gen. So I predict a gloomy, dead last for them.

What is this "Nintendo core" that you're talking about that has "gone over to Microsoft and Sony"? You need to explain that statement further, because it is a strange one to make. If anything, it is the opposite is true; the Wii is the first Nintendo home console since the SNES that mostly all Nintendo fans bought. I know I am getting a Wii U, and I would say there is no indication that most others won't either since it doesn't have the problems of the N64 or the GameCube; and the Wii and DS both proved extra horsepower is not that big of a sales factor anymore. Also, the biggest selling games in the industry are all Nintendo games except for Call of Duty - only Nintendo consoles get Nintendo games.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.