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The GOP has lost its way for quite a while. They answer to big corporations and the banks (More visibly than other parties). The republican party used to be about keeping taxes low, small government intervention, job growth and incentives, but has become a wing of the Christian right. Religion should never affect the way a nation deals with its politics. Last time we did that not only was the level of control over the people stringent in a dictatorial fashion, but also the level of learning was also slowed and science challenged. The democrats are a social organization so I can see where the money goes for the "public good", but they spend too much for their own good, especially on people who wont pay taxes. Both parties are owned by corporate and bank lobbyists. At the end of the day, we aren't paying them six figures for the smallest decision. You don't even have to be the smartest anymore to be in a government position, just hungry for power.