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JEMC said:
lilbroex said:

False. No console would match a high end PC. A generic one will do just fine for the PS4 and next Xbox.

I think everyone is forgetting the garden demo. The Wii U should be able to handle anything that is out on PC right now at high setting. The next Sony and Microsoft consoles will need hardware that cost nearly 3 to 4 times as much as the Wii U to get double its performance because its. The gap will honestly be no bigger than it was with the PS2, GC and Xbox.

Also, lets get this fact into your head. The strongest console has "NEVER" in the history of gaming been the best selling. It was almost always the weakest.

PS4 and the Nextbox don't need to double the performance of WiiU to be better. They can have "only" 50% more power AND a lot more RAM (4GB) to make bigger and better games (technically), and those games would be very hard to make or even imposible to port to WiiU.

Mind you, I think they will try to do the same as last gen and do another big jump in specs instead of a big step, but just because they don't want to be beaten by the other. It's like the cold war, but in consoles.

Oh, and just because the strongest console has never won until now, it doesn't mean that it won't change the next time.

They wouldn't. They would be no harder to make than a PS2 version of a GC or Xbox1 game was. They'd just have to cut down the polygon count a little and remove a few objects. Exept now, with the level of graphics capability possed by the Wii U, a downgraded games would still look extremely good which is what Iwata means when he says people won't see that much of a diffence. Just buying GPU that increases the performance from another by 25% can rasie the prise by 3 fold.

For the next Sony and Microsoft consoles to create a gap in capability  like the one between the Wii an the PS3/360 in pwoer, it would need hardware that ran near 1 grand if not more. Honestly, having anything more than 2 GBs of ram won't make a big difference either because the cost of fully utilizing that volume in a console would be so immense that it would offest the benefit.  The only thing having a more powerful console will do is increase the cost and developement times all around for everyone. Nintendo knows what they are doingl, and they are doing it right.