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Soundwave said:
I doubt many devs even bother making their games look much better than 360/PS3 games.

Most Wii U games will look like that.

Nintendo never replaced studios like Factor 5 and Rare that actually gave a crap about pushing hardware and third parties don't give a crap about Nintendo either.

The PS4/XBox 720 will blow this system away if you're talking graphics and the higher end third party games, I don't see much difference from the last gen. You're going to have to buy a 720/PS4 to play those kinds of games or a high end PC.

I think Nintendo would be better off scooping up as much Japanese exclusive support as they can. I don't think a lot of Japanese devs are ready for the next-gen console budgets so Wii U might be a safe haven for them.

False. No console would match a high end PC. A generic one will do just fine for the PS4 and next Xbox.

I think everyone is forgetting the garden demo. The Wii U should be able to handle anything that is out on PC right now at high setting. The next Sony and Microsoft consoles will need hardware that cost nearly 3 to 4 times as much as the Wii U to get double its performance because its. The gap will honestly be no bigger than it was with the PS2, GC and Xbox.

Also, lets get this fact into your head. The strongest console has "NEVER" in the history of gaming been the best selling. It was almost always the weakest.