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Jumping in on the issue of more movies/villains--Spider-Man has a TON of villains! Even his villain the Kingpin got big enough to become a Daredevil Villain. The thing with about 90% of Spidey's villains are that they were nothing more than interesting premises with no depth. Just something to keep him busy while the story focused on what was going on with Peter Parker/Spider-Man as a character or letting him meet up with other characters from the Marvel Universe.

Yeah, he's got a few iconic ones like Doc Ock, Venom, Green Goblin, Kraven, and such. It's just that he's got too many Hydro-Man, Vulture, Lizard Man, Jackal style enemies. They just feel like the "Villain of the Week" compared to the epic foes that characters like Batman and Captain America have faced.

Anyhoo, here's the Death of (Ultimate) Spider-Man.  Enjoy: