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JEMC said:
haxxiy said:
JEMC said:

And, didn't AMD change completelly the tessellation unit in the HD5xxx series because the older tessellator wasn't compatible with DX11?

They did, there is the Xenos/R600/R700 type of tessellation and the DX 11 tessellation, apparently.

In that case, I hope that one of the optimizations made to the chip was to change the old tessellator for a new one. Although I'm not sure if  being DX11 compatible or not makes a big difference for a console.

The difference in a DX11 GPU is that the DX11 standards have much higher spec requirements, DX11 Compute Shaders offer a lot more flexibility and also higher level language support making programing easier. And the Tesselation unit in DX11 is on top of the old AMD tesselation unit which supported displacement maping DX11 also supports smoothing, the introduction of patches allowing devs to apply tesselation to areas rather that per polygon and also increased performance via the inclusion of fixed function tesselation. 

From what I understood of the things I have read anyway.

There is nothing in the specs that actually suggest it's a DX11 GPU as has been stated tesselation was a feature of the Xenos tho it was never really used as far as I know, and AMD (ATI at the time) has technically had compute shader capabilities since the R580 GPUs tho they called it Close to Metal (later renamed Stream SDK) tho it was never really used as devs couldn't really justify supporting something that only a small fraction of machines could support.

Given enough work devs could probably create 90% of the DX11 effects tho they may run a bit slow. 

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