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Metrium said:

So you have'nt played Super Mario 3D Land, Mario Kart 7, Kid Icarus Uprising, Resident Evil:Revelations, Tales of the Abyss, Star Fox64 3D, Street Fighter 4, Cave Story 3D and you are complaining about your 3ds collecting dust?

How bout the eshop games? Have you tried any of those? Pushmo, Sakura's Samurai, Dillon's Rolling Western, Mutant Mudds, VVVVVV, Ketzal's Corridor, Marvel Pinball, Colors! 3D?

Then what about the virtual console's classics? Link's Awekening, Super Mario Land 1&2, Super Mario Bros, Metroid 1&2, Kirby's Dream Land, Kirby's advanture, Kid Icarus, Donkey Kong, game&watch, Rayman...

Or the DS games... Pokémon Conquest for example, or some older games like Zelda Phantom Hourglass or Spirit tracks, Golden Sun, Pokémon white/black, Dragon QuestIX, Mario and Luigi, New Super Mario Bros, Chrono Trigger...

If nothing in here seems attractive to you well I can see why your 3ds is collecting dust but you sir are hard to plz... Maybe one of these incoming games might please you... Heroes of Ruins, Fire Emblem, Kingdom Heart DDD, Animal Crossing, Paper Mario:Sticker Star, Dragon's Quest Monsters, New Super Mario Bros 2, Luigi's Mansion:Dark Moon, Castlevania Mirror of Fate, Theathrythm Final Fantasy, Rhythm Thief, Professor Layton and the miracle mask, Wario Land:Super Mario Land3(soon on eshop), Legend of Zelda(soon on eshop)...

If you ask my opinion, I say no, cause you can simply go to a gamestop, cover your eyes, randomly point at a game and you will most likely be able to find a game that you would love or atleast enjoy. I think you are being way to picky and not giving a ton of these awsome games a chance. You say that you dont care for mario but IMO mario games are by far the best suited games for handheld, they would give you hours of entertainment. You say the same thing for Kid Icarus, a brand new rebooted franchise that is deffenetly worth a chance, its worth getting used to cause that game is AWSOME both for single player and multiplayer, story is good, characters are awsome and the humor is extremely refreshing.

But its your choice, you can go play you gravity rush if you want, but I think if you are that picky when choosing 3DS games the same thing will happen on your vita. The only difference is that on the Vita you will be stuck with home console rehashed experience like the mediocre Resistance:Burning Sky instead of (IMO) super original and handheld suited experiences like Kid Icarus. (w/o mentioning all the possible Game Boy games on virtual console)

Again i will say that i don't like mario or kid icarus.