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Cobretti2 said:
logic56 said:
happydolphin said:
VGKing said:
usrevenge said:
because they don't have a 3ds? because the 3ds would be a weaker platform for a console game?

it all depends on what and who has what. I mean if a halo came out on PS3 I am sure a lot of people that had both consoles would be like ZOMG A HALO ON PS3 I am getting it.
now of course if it was like halo 3 on PS3 no 360 owner would care.


Better specs can mean better games.

Not true fans, sorry. A game can be better without better specs. It can have both, sure, but it can be a great game on a weaker-spec'd platform. Basic logic really.

only there's no logic in that at all, that's just you saying shit to justify owning a weaker maching, but you keep telling yourself that, it'll never be true but it won't stop you believeing it is

I like how you said in a previous post with happydolphin "this is going nowhere we are going to have to agree to disagree "

then you jump on him in another one. Guessing you ran out of bullets to build an argument against the other comments?

lol keep reading