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Cub said:
Soleron said:
sales2099 said:

The Pixar movie line is neither here or there. Those movies are meant for everyone. MLP not only isnt meant for everyone but has a set gender and set age boundaries. 

Hasbro has set age boundaries  in mind, yes. Because they only care about toy sales. The creator of the show has a number of interview stating that her intention was for it to appeal to everyone

What qualities seperate a kids and adult show in your view?

When I watch something like the Big Bang Theory it is incredibly immature with sex references every other line and completely unrealistic depictions of the character's lives and actions.


I respect that.

I just finished watching the latest season and I couldn't agree more... The show has become a complete joke. I can't believe its viewers avg. is still on the rise.

Immature, eh?  tell me more about how you made a successful sitcom that was actually mature.  last time they tried that (Arrested Development), the show got horrible ratings and was cancelled after only two and a half seasons.  Big Bang Theory is plenty funny with its own share of maturity and immaturity and some genuinely good writing.  

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