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shakarak said:
I thought Nintendo land actually looks like some very well thought out multi player games (to play with the girlfriend and some of my friends). While I'll be able to play some Pikmin to satisfy my core Nintendo needs. Luckily as PC gamer too and you need to appreciate Nintendo for what they bring to the table. We are in a day and age where what Nintendo brings, and say what Sony or Microsoft brings to the table are completely different. You'd be a fool to only game on one of the consoles.

I don't thik i'll be playing nintnedo land with my girlfriend anytime soon.

Anyway to me Nintendo land appears to be more a kids thing with 12 mini games with Nintendo supposedly embedding 12 core franchises in it. It is just a marketing tool to get the kids hooked on all them when they get older. This way Nintendo can keep most their new generation of fans maybe till the age of 15-18.

Then when they really get older  they jump ship to micrososft/sony, which by then Nintendo has made their money and the cycle repeats itself.