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WiiBox3 said:
Burning Typhoon said:
Why do people need a gay pride month? We don't even need a black hitory month, or, any other type of month that is for a specific isolation of people. Can we stop this already? There's only 12 months out of the year as it is.

Why the hell would you spend a month to celebrate who you are? Are you supposed to be better than someone? I doubt anyone who's completely happy with themselves would need to take a month out of the year to appreciate themself. It's something you should already be doing anyway.

Seeing this, I wont buy oreos either because we have enough isolation months, and days. Mother's day, and Father's day needs to be tossed out too.
"It's father's day! Eventhough I tend to forget about him the other 364 days of the year, I'm going to be a good son/daughter, and make his day."

What the hell kinda crap is that? Valentine's day needs to go too... All of it... I don't celebrate that stuff. It's called do something nice for someone without waiting for a particular day, or month of the year. It adds to the surprise, and shows you cared enough to think about them when you weren't promted to do so by some phoney holiday ploy.

Here's an idea. How about we just mix all those "remember someone else" days, into one month, and call it "anti-depression month."

Think about it. Everyone being kind to everyone. Because those that need those months and days reserved for who they are, are obviously depressed the rest of the year, and want to feel important. They forget they're just as useless as their next door neighbor, regardless of who they may be.

Gay, Straight, or blue skin. You people are all the same.

What about birthdays?

Birthdays don't count, because it's not the same day for every person, or group of people.  That's why I didn't mention them.  For each person, it must be remembered, indvidually, or written down, or something.  But, a group of people isn't going to be able to tell you someone's birthday.  But, they can tell you when black history month begins.