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I can certainly see how some might find it boring with all those passes across and the back and forth but to me its just entertaining to watch players like Iniesta thread the needle in tiny spaces, its football magic at times!
This game was a wake-up call for Spain though, and Germany or Italy (whichever meets them in the finals), they can be shaken and disrupted midfield, which can potentially ruin their entire play.
Kudos to Portugal for having the massive balls to counter the Spanish systematic play.
Spain also needs to shed one huge error in their way if they want to win in the finals; they refuse to play out open players on the flanks when they're entering the opponents home box, they insist on punching through on the cerntral field towards the 16-meter mark, this won't work against a good defensive team (Italy and Portugal showed them as much) and Germany are not only great on the defense, they're the most dangerous counter team in the world in my opinion.