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@Mr Khan. Exactly.

S.T.A.G.E. said:

Analog sticks didnt casualize the experience, it allowed control for cameras in 3D realms. Before that cameras were fixed in videogames. It increased immersion in hack N Slash, Open world environments and more. Before this time many games were top down or side scrollers. As I helped gaming evolve, it wasn't a gimmick

You're doing it again, but the funny part is you don't even realize it. I just showed how the analog stick could be shown to be a casual value-add, and you focused on what gave it an edge in the more traditional gaming experiences. The same exact thing can be done for the Wiimote. I fear there's no helping your mindset, you're a product of PR brainwashing imho.

And this is not a jab a you, it's a jab at propaganda and at companies that make it a practice.