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phenom08 said:
@happydolphin that makes no sense, how are games that the PS3 and 360 already have, going to grab Ps3 and 360 gamers. If you and me both know that, you think Nintendo doesn't? My proof is in the 3ds lol. They have said they are targeting the core first with the 3ds right or wrong? 2 Mario games have been released and many more are also coming. The first game they show off at both conferences running on the WiiU just happen to be Mario games lol and you still believe they are targeting the hardcore lol. Im not saying they wouldn't like some of the hardcore gamers but this belief of Nintendo is targeting the hardcore is only mess hardcore gamers want to believe to make it seem as if Nintendo is admitting they were wrong about targeting the expanded audience.

I wouldn't dismiss your theory too quickly, but I'll address some of your points.


The first game they show off at both conferences running on the WiiU just happen to be Mario games lol and you still believe they are targeting the hardcore lol.

Nintendo did say deeper and wider. Their offering of 2D Mario doesn't eliminate or disprove a bi-lateral mission which also included appealing to the core. Granted, the balance of what they display leaning one way over another would be an indicator of their direction, but it would also be an indicator of their failure to properly cater to their two desired markets. I vote for the latter, and it fits with this years' investors briefing in April. Imho, them focusing on Mario and Nintendoland was their failure.


My proof is in the 3ds lol. They have said they are targeting the core first with the 3ds right or wrong? 2 Mario games have been released and many more are also coming. 

3D Mario is still considered a core series. 2D Mario I'll admit caters to a wider demographic (if sales even are any indicator, let alone theme). Also, Nintendo's strategy to the core on the 3DS doesn't not consider 1st party games as the main vessel for the strategy. Games like MH4, KH, and lots of J-games made by 3rd parties are what will fulfil the bi-lateral strategy. It has already begun. Rather, 3DS is proof that the strategy is working.


how are games that the PS3 and 360 already have, going to grab Ps3 and 360 gamers.

This is your only point, and it's a good one, I'll admit, though in part. The only case that works in this point is Batman, all the others AC3, Crysis3 aren't yet released. Then again, having the multiplats is a baseline to the strategy. Of course, in the case of Batman, late is no good, but it's better than never. Plus, it doesn't cost much to 3rd parties to do so, and it improves Nintendo's image at minimal cost. It all still leads me to believe Nintendo is pushing 3rd parties to release the AAA core multi-plats on their systems. AC3 hasn't released yet, your only good point is Batman, but it's probs the only late port I think.