d21lewis said: This game went from being a February 2012 release to being a 2013 release and still doesn't have a solid release date. Even with its original release date, info on exactly what kind of game it is was scarce. Many people (including me) thought it was an action game like Bayonetta. It turned out to be an arena fighting game like Ehrgeiz or Power Stone. I had my money ready back in February. Now, I don't even know if I want this game. It's really sketchy right now and I suspect there was a good reason for why it got pushed back. |
Thanks for the response. Well Sega is notoriously bad at marketing their games. Whatever they end up selling is mostly from dedicated gamers who go through various gaming websites to keep up to date with their upcoming games. The game did get pushed to Q1 2013 for North America but seems the release date for Japan is July 5th. So we'll atleast get some feedback from there.
My question was that by making it a budget title or atleast a budget title at launch such a game. I was not interested in this game all that much for $60. Might have picked it up for $15-20 later on but not it can be preordered for as low as $25 bucks. Games like Enslaved, Vanquish, etc could have done better if they released for let's say even $40. The reviewers also tend to take less points away for value even if the game is short and doesn't have multiplayer if it didn't launch at maximum retail price we are used to.
It seems there wasn't much interest for this game to begin. Quite low response to the topic or am still quite amateur at making threads. Which i am. Anyways thanks for your input. :)