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d21lewis said:

My God, you're good.  That's exactly where I got that quote from!  It was from ten or fiteen friggin years ago!! 

And I agree with the rest of your post, too. In the USA, every Vita ad that I've seen has failed to show people the reason that they should buy the console--THE GAMES.  I've seen the guy walking to work while playing baseball.  I've seen a guy hold his Vita up to look at some invisible image in the park.  I've seen a guy walking around with his Vita whilst being watched by another guy playing with his Vita.  I have yet to see a single commercial saying, "HEY, WE HAVE SOME AWESOME GAMES WITH GREAT GRAPHICS."

13 years back, and you know what the joke is?  I didn't even see that Nitro.  TSN had both Raw and Nito up here in Canada so they were never showed at the same time, and I must not have seen it that week, did watch the Raw though.  On the off topic of Sony advertising; I actually think those commericials were good at showing off what the Vita can do.  The problem is, as you said, they don't advertise the games specifically.  I think it's time to bring back Mr. Buttler and get some game based commercials back... or a Saturday morning cartoon for Gravity Daze.  Either one.

Edit: That's a lie, I did see that Nitro.  I remember Hogan fingerpoking Nash, I was laughing my ass off at it (Not in a bad way).  Never paid much attention to it as a "dissapointment" until many years later.