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Today was by far a more interesting day than the previous one. The rumors from the morn gave the fighters a false sense of security. It was unclear what caused the death, but because there wasn't a beheading everyone assumed it wasn't malicious.

A brave combatant by the name of Rol helped ease the others by claiming the cheaters tried to do him in overnight, but he could fend them all off without any issues. This story quickly changed to being a foreigner that wasn't even interested in the tournament. Instead he thirsted for the blood of a few select people. Needless to say there was a lot of distrust for this fellow. Many challenged him, but nobody landed a deathblow.

But that wasn't even the highlight. Just after lunch, Danne said he's the most honorable guy still alive and knows of two bastards that the tournament would be better without. Stefl quickly refuted Danne's declaration, stating he was the honorable one and knew of two clean fighters. Danne's lack of action against the so called bastards damned him to participation in more matches than anyone else. He fought valiantly against many of the other fighters, only catching nicks here and there. Ultimately it was Rol that did him in with a mighty cleave across his stomach, spilling his innards onto the arena floor.

DanneSandin was lynched. He was TOWN Cop.

"Truly glorious." I said after finishing a pint. Content at the coin I made betting today, I wished tomorrow's battles would be just as exhilirating.

Final Day Three Votals:
Danne(7) - NoctisStefl, Baalz, Final-Fan, hat, pezus, Korppi, radish, hat, Rol
Rol(3) - hatBaalzSteflmantleFinal-Fanradish, Kantor, Baalz, Stefl, mantle, hat, radish
hat(1) - Danne, pezus 
Kantor - Rol, pezus
Baalz - Danne
pezus - mantle

happy - mantle

No Votes: Noctis, insom

[MKD1] TruckOSaurus - TOWN Tracker
[KN1] Wonktonodi - TOWN Vanilla
[KN1] Smeags - TOWN Vanilla
[KN1] theprof00 - CARTEL Flavor Cop
[LD2] supermario128 - TOWN Motivator
[KN2] spurgeonryan - TOWN Weak Doctor
[MKD3] happydolphin - TOWN Vanilla
[LD3] DanneSandin - TOWN Cop

Night started as soon as I posted the flip, but will last slightly longer than 24 hours since I won't be able to give flip information if Day 4 goes to deadline otherwise.

Night actions are due at 4PM EDT(8PM UTC), Day will begin at 5PM EDT.