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crissindahouse said:


that's all pretty funny if turkish himself wouldn't have been highly offended. but i bet turkish is the most serious, unfunny, liberal, not cool at parties, whatever more human as well and not only me.

Turkish misunderstood the post and wasn't directed at him, plus he is a Turk himself. If i was in his position i would misunderstand it too, but i doubt i would be so whiny about it as some are

Turkish said:
Player1x3 said:
crissindahouse said:

harharhar first of all you can bring the old poll results back and not stealing all our votes just because you didn't like  them verstanden?

I like how you just assume he can speak german just because hes turkish and thus must be some ghetto low-life living in west berlin and is unemployed school dropout ;D

You couldve ended your comment there, I find the 2nd part highly offensive.

and the other guys as well who were "shocked" about your post. isn't it funny what nintendopie thought about you if you read your own signature? i think that is funny.

Except im not talking about other guys, nor do i care about how they understood it. They aren't the ones stalking me in other threads and trying to give people false impressions of me. For those 2 guys that misunderstood it (one is what , 12, 13 years old?), im sure 50 other people understood it. (see, there's a wink with a smiley sign which indicates that i wasn't serious about the post)

Zim said:

Wow so basically Player1x3 you just got really racist really fast. Nothing in criss's post implied ANYTHING in your reply. You just brought out your own prejudices. 

Except that it wasn't needed to imply anything, that's not why i made the joke. I already explained why i did it and why i thought it would be funny in other post

NintendoPie said:

You really seem to enjoy any form of bashing that you can type up.


btw i responded in this thread to you because:

How was that in any way relevant to that thread?

Player1x3 said:
lestatdark said:
Player1x3 said:
lestatdark said:
No offense Player, but it's rather pointless to argue with you (as shown on many other threads in the past). People show you examples and rational thoughts behind their logics and you just throw them all away because only you can be right.

Forget about what all analysts and people that actually know about football more than you and me said about the Russian team, with Arshavin, Zirkhov, Kherzakov, Dzagoev, Shirokov, Izmailov, etc. Having high probabilities of advancing to later stages if they played their prime as they showed against the Czech. All those people were naive and silly right?

I love the classic ''lol ur dumb, shut up'' argument. Its alright  tho

Wait, aren't you the one using that argument since the start? Whenever did I say you're dumb? I just said that it's pointless to argue with you, as you have shown time and time again. 

No, you do not understand. I always responded with an argument, i never told anyone they're pointless to argue with. I don't do that. I respect other positions and opinions, i do not attack them

but like someone else said, it doesn't make sense to argue with you. you will always try to find a way to say it wasn't meant like that or you got offended and had to reply or what you wrote about me now...

Argue? I wasn't arguing with you, you pretty much quoted me, attacked me and made some bullshit assumptions about me. There was never any actual argument. Just you and your bullshit assumptions on me, and me trying to defend / explain myself like a moron that actually cared what you thought of me (which i will stop doing ASAP)

Sorry for bump folks.Im done with him