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I was reading a post earlier where someone said good gameplay + good graphics > little better gameplay + bad graphics. When he said that, I started to think of some good games I've played that had bad graphics. And I couldn't think of any. The only ones I could think of were just bad games in general.

When I say bad graphics, I mean where you unintentionally make a mental notice of the graphical weakness. I couldn't think of any time where that happened this gen, unless it was some shovelware, movie-tie-in, or it was really early in this generation or something. I think for the most part, when dealing with any decent game, none of them had graphics where I thought to myself "wow, these graphics are weak".

It seems like I haven't played any decent game this gen where I actually noticed that something was wrong with the graphics. I was just playing Heavenly Sword the other day, a 2007 game, & I thought the graphics were amazing.
