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loadedstatement said:
Sqrl said:
Oh I don't suppose anyone knows what happened at the store that had over 800 pre-orders? Just seems like it would get a follow-up story but I can't find anything on it so I would assume it went well since if it went horribly we would have heard something...yes/no?

Lepton was the retailer with 800+ preorders and not nearly that many copies to meet demand.  However, also mentioned in that same article was NCSX.  They HAVE followed up with a reply and here it is: 

"Our initial shipments of Smash Bros X are scheduled to arrive on Thursday of this week. We were able to obtain more copies than we originally expected after receiving the bad news from suppliers on Sunday night. We'll notify customers by email today if your order is shipping on Thursday. The remainder of our Smash Bros X shipments are scheduled to arrive no later than Wednesday or Thursday of next week and we'll be able to fill all remaining preorders and any new orders at that time.
So, was there really a "shortage"? Some of our suppliers in Hong Kong won't be getting any copies until this weekend which makes it more of a delay than an actual shortage. We also note that most of our Japanese vendors will receive the bulk of their supplies on February 2 and February 4 which is a few days later than the official street date. We'll update further if anything changes but everything looks good for next week." 

Thankfully, it seems the shortage probably won't last long, as it looks like extra stock will be flowing into the market the following week. Still, considering how crazy Smash fans get with every delay of the game, even a few days' extra wait might be enough to send some folks into a frothing rage. 


 Good to see it got resolved somewhat.  And the frothing rage thing is true, I went nuts then when I said something at work about it everyone there went nuts, even before the delay my friend David was joking with me about a delay and me and my other coworker went nuts and saying how it wasn't going to get delayed and we of course were wrong.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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