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EdHieron said:
Michael-5 said:

Okay.... I'm still not impressed, and I don;t care for GameStat. A lot of underappreciated low volume niche games never get uniformly high reviews. I mean InFamous is probably my favorite PS3 game, and it's not one of the better rated PS3 games.

Also this is my opinion, the question was am I impressed, and I'm not. PS3 shows a huge drop in quality from the PS2 and PS1.

I mean just count how many JRPG exclusives PS3 has and compare it to PS1 and PS2.

It's not exactly Sony's fault if jrpgs haven't turned out to be as popular as thy used to be.  There have been a few though that have gotten generally good reviews this gen though including some niche exclusives on PS3 like the Eternal Mana games, Catherine ( not really a jrpg and also on 360 but still imo that kind of niche game), and the upcoming highly anticipated Ni No Kuni.

Well.. it kind of is. White Knight Chronicles had the potential to be an amazing game, but it's only adequate at best. They could have also worked harder to get more JRPG exclusives. I mean what the heck happened to Final Fantasy Versus XIII? Why did Sony not support Square-Enix?

Also JRPG's aside, Japenese style games in general. How often was The Last Guardian delayed? Is it even coming?

The games I loved PS1 and PS2 for have all left as Sony exclusives. That is why I am in general disappointed.

However I am impressed at some of the exclusive games PS3 did end up getting. InFamous is IMO probably Sony's best new exclusive franchise on the PS3, and Valkyria Chronicles really surprised me.


P.S. I love Catherine, but I haven't heard good things about Eternal Mana.


Also, just as an aside, this is my opinion. PS3 is a great system, and far from a bad console. It's just disappointing that the Japanese style games in general are almost all disappearing off Sony consoles. Outside this genre, Sony is doing alright IMO, but they need more 3rd party exclusives.

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