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Rath said:

They have damaged the playstation brand in that if it does not win this generation it will not have such a high build up of hype next generation. The reason the hype was so massive for the PS3 (and truly it was) was because the PS2 had so absolutley dominated the last generation.

Going into a new generation with a console in last place means that you have far less hype, the 'revolution' was expected to be in last place by most analysts and the only way which Nintendo managed to build hype was by changing the control style completely.

Also console wars have never been won by quality over quantity. I think that in almost every generation so far the weakest console has won the race.

Going into a new generation with a console in last place?

This is not guaranteed. If you want to make assumptions about what place (sales wise) each console will come in, that's fine. But to assert that Sony will be going into a new generation in last place at this point is simply foolish. Simply because it aligns with your perspective on the current and the previous console generation does not make it valid.

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