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Player1x3 said:

LOL, how sad. When i get attacked or insulted, I insult back accordingly. The only thing you showed (nice sniffing skills btw) was one side of story. Why didn't you show the comments that i responded to? You know, just to see why i actually posted things i did. But no, fuck that, right?

And west berlin comment, i was only trying to make a sarcastic joke, but whatever makes you feel above anyone in any way lol

i couldn't show what you responded to because i only can see your comments if i won't search for the whole "story" for hours in the video comments.

but even if you only responded to "assholes", your posts are still very aggressive.

and a sarcastic joke? i know you tried to explain turkish as well that you didn't mean it like that but it was pretty obvious what you really meant and that it wasn't a joke. if i would say something like that about people from serbia in germany i bet you wouldn't say "ohh i like your sarcasm"

how can this be a joke?

i say something in english about a game or so? not even sure what it was and put one german word behind the text because turkish used an italian word behind his text and then you write:

"i like how you believe he understands german because he has to have a turkish ghetto low life in west belin"

yeah sure, sarcasm...

and now let's stop this...