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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the official name of the Mormon Church. Within this name shows the fact that they believe in Jesus Christ and that He is the head of the church and no one else. It's interesting to see that because Mormons have different beliefs, such as modern day prophets and apostles, the priesthood, and the Book of Mormon, other Christians, but not all, view them as a cult. There are many denominations inside protestant Christianity itself and they can differ in doctrine yet they don't use words such as cult to describe each other.

Now, I'm not the best person to defend the LDS Church. I'm not officially a member anymore seeing that I took my name off the membership records due to the stance on homosexuality . However, I still hold to some of the beliefs of the church. The main one being that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior and that He took upon Himself the sins of this world to enable everyone the chance to repent and overcome spiritual death and return to the presence of our Father in Heaven.