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I'm LDS, and there are a lot of misconceptions about our religion. We believe in christ like other christian faiths. We do however believe that God has a perfect body of flesh and blood and so does Jesus. We believe that God, Jesus and the holy ghost are separate entities. We believe that we are all spirit children of god and were chosen in a pre- existence to come to earth. We believe that we believe that after death you go to either spirit paradise, or spirit prison until the second coming where everyone is ressurected into separate glories of heaven. Terrestrial, Telestial, and Celestial. We believe that there is always progression even after death. We believe that the most righteous of the Celestial kingdom can become as god, and we believe that everyone can become as god.

Sorry for the rant, just wanted to clear things up.

We study the old testament and new testament as far as they are translated correctly, as well as the cornerstone of our religion The Book of Mormon, which is another testament of Jesus Christ. We also study the doctrine and covenants which is revelation for modern day saints. And the pearl of great price which consists of the book of Moses and the book of Abraham. Our president is a living prophet who receives revelation from god and relays it to us through general conferences every six months.

I'm not trying to convert anyone ( though I wouldn't be sad if you were converted :) ) but I just wanted to give you a bit of our beliefs to put to rest all the wild speculation, and anger towards us.