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lestatdark said:
Player1x3 said:
lestatdark said:
No offense Player, but it's rather pointless to argue with you (as shown on many other threads in the past). People show you examples and rational thoughts behind their logics and you just throw them all away because only you can be right.

Forget about what all analysts and people that actually know about football more than you and me said about the Russian team, with Arshavin, Zirkhov, Kherzakov, Dzagoev, Shirokov, Izmailov, etc. Having high probabilities of advancing to later stages if they played their prime as they showed against the Czech. All those people were naive and silly right?

I love the classic ''lol ur dumb, shut up'' argument. Its alright  tho

Wait, aren't you the one using that argument since the start? Whenever did I say you're dumb? I just said that it's pointless to argue with you, as you have shown time and time again. 

No, you do not understand. I always responded with an argument, i never told anyone they're pointless to argue with. I don't do that. I respect other positions and opinions, i do not attack them