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So let me get this straight, please do correct me if I missed anything. I simply breezed over the last 300 posts.

So it turns out Rol saw only two people at Prof's last night, one claimed doctor and the other claimed motivator... and we want to lynch the doctor? Sorry if I'm the odd ball here but I'd MUCH rather lynch the so-called motivator than risk losing a doctor. I think Kantor has more to worry 'bout from scum or possible third factions than us hanging him by the neck. Plus, if mario does flip motivator and he was telling the truth we can lynch Kantor tomorrow anyway. I'm sorry but right now I'm more comfortable lynching mario. My vote is still on him. Plus,

I assure everyone that me wanting to lynch mario has nothing to do with proving to myself that my suspicion of him was right all along.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson