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SaviorX said:
fauzman said:
I think clearly most of the major devs are adopting a "wait and see" approach. If the console sells well, contrary to the majority of opinion on the net at the moment, then developers will bring games to it. Until that happens, they see it as being too risky or too much of an effort to make games designed to the tablet controllers with doubt hanging over the console. In the end, its up to whether Nintendo to make or break it. If they make the Wii U into a hit, similar to the Wii before it, then developers will flock to it.

Yet despite this theory, devs will still support the Playstation Vita in spite of poor hardware (and software) sales.

You are correct but it depends on the perception at the launch. People thought that the PSP would do very well, in fact beat the DS, and thats why there was a lot of support for it (initially at least). Add to that, at the time Sony were at the top of their game - the ps2 was selling tonnes and they were bringing a more advanced handheld to the market. People DONT think (at least at the moment) that the Wii U will do well and this lack of confidence means lack of support. Add to that the performance of the last "hardcore" nintendo console (which didnt sell huge) and the wii (which sold lots but didnt see a lot of 3rd party software sales) and its not hard to see why some developers might have doubts.

The best way to get the big multi-plats right now for nintendo would be to spend some cash and get ports of upcoming games to come out at the same time on the Wii U AND do exclusive DLCs (like MS).  

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