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Silly questions gets silly answer. The PS4 is going to be at least a year behind the Wii U so all other things being equal (e.g. price) we can expect at least PS2 to GC/Xbox hardware differences.

The only question is how much more powerful they are going to be and that's going to be largely determined by the price point they settle on. With Sony's financials as they are I can't imagine they are going to go for a loss-leading strategy this time. At least not to any significant extent as they no longer have a hugely profitable previous generation console to boost division profits until such time as the PS4's price can be brought down. For Sony I expect a $400 console at launch that boasts a moderate step in power over the Wii U (whatever the Wii U can do at 720p, the PS4 will do better at 1080p)