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mizzou_guy said:
Conegamer said:
mizzou_guy said:
Eh, I'm leaning towards him being right. None of my friends nor myself are the least bit excited about the Wii U, and we all bought a Wii when that was released. I'm thinking that while the Wii was an initial success for Nintendo, most of the public was eventually put off by the lack of things to do with the system once the novelty wore off and probably won't spend their money on a Wii U. I also don't think the crowd who consider themselves "core gamers" will either, since Nintendo's tech is going to be greatly lagging behind the next Sony/MS consoles.

May I look into your crystal ball for the lottery numbers, since you know the specs for the next MS/Sony consoles?

All evidence from rumours indicate all consoles to be sold below $400, and for no console to be dramatically weaker than the others. Some say it's PS4>720>WiiU, some say it's 720>PS4>WiiU, some say it's 720>WiiU>PS4, but one thing they all agree on: it's gonna be nothing like this gen when it comes to massive gaps in graphics.

And, in addition, the Nintendo Channel states that the average Wii is played for 495 hours on average, and has 9 games (here in the UK). That doesn't sound like a 'novelty' to me

Nintendo will be just fine. Their next console will sell tens of millions, and, like the 3DS has shown, people love Mario and Zelda. That ain't changing anytime soon. And if the so-called 'hardcore' gamers don't want to play, then Nintendo won't care, as they've shown to have a huge market anyway.


As I mentioned, how about we wait until the system launches and is out for a while before deciding? I seem to remember the same thing for the 3DS, but now? Well, those threads and articles have 'magically' disappeared. How unusual...

(This isn't targeted at anyone in particular, bar the first couple lines. I'm just getting annoyed at all the doom for a console 6 months from launch which no-one here has played really).

I'm not going to pretend to be a spec-master.   I'm just going off of the general opinion I've seen on game forums and news articles.  From what I've seen, the impression so far is that the Wii U is going to only be a little bit more powerful than the current gen consoles, and that the next gen Sony/MS consoles are going to be well beyond the Wii U in capabilities.  I may be wrong, but who knows.  It's just my opinion, and the opinion of other people I know whom have talked with me about the console.

I, too, bought several games for my Wii in the first two years, but I have barely touched the thing in the several years.  When I sit down to play, I'm much more interested in playing games on another console.  Again, just my opinion here, but it is also the opinion of everyone else I know as well, and the opinion I've seen bouncing around online in several places.  I'm not saying NOBODY plays the Wii anymore, I'm just saying the novelty of it has definitely worn off (or at least worn thin) for many owners.

Your points ring true. There's not much to argue with here. Aside from the fact that the WiiU is only going to be slightly more powerful. At the very least, it'll be 1.5x the power, enough for 16x AA, tesselations and 1080p 60FPS gaming, something the other consoles can't hope to match.

However, the novelty has indeed wore thin. I can't remember the last game I played which used the Wiimote as a gimmick. The only motion controlled game I've played inrecent years has been Skyward Sword, the rest (Xenoblade, TLS, MHTri etc.) haven't used motion controls at all, or minimally.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.