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@oniyide. It's true that nothing at the show demonstrated the next-gen graphical capabilities of the console, but the reasons are simple => the software is what proves the power of the hardware.

If the software fails to properly display the capabilities of the hardware, then it's the fault of the software, not the hardware.

You'll say that the WiiU should display much better graphics than the PS3 due to the jump in gens, and you support your point with a 360 to PS2 comparison (already flawed comparison, it's 360 versus xbox, not versus PS2). You also seem to forget that Kameo elements of power was a Gamecube game prior to being released as a 360 game, and the difference wasn't astronomical in any way. Lastly, as many have said, in time, with business driving the need, software will make use of the hardware.

Of course, I was expecting software to do that day 1 of e3 (like Retro software and such), but that's not what we got. Would I eat crow? No. I blamed Nintendo, and it is their fault. They needed to prove the WiiU to the core and they failed (you also mocked me for doing so).

Make up your mind man, I blamed Ninty for failing to prove the graphical capabilities for WiiU and will tell you, wait until the games from Retro, Monolith, project Sora and other exclusive games to make full use of the hardware before making your judgement. Otherwise, you just sound horribly biased.