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@colh Ok, seems like my HD prediction might be the first to fall, but I don't give up on it just yet. I didn't realize people buy that many TVs at all per year (at least in the US). I always had the impression in my environment that people keep their TVs for 10 years or more, until they fall apart. Either way, the Wii does run in 16:9 480p, which looks good on any HDTV. EDIT:

"Nearly 47% of TV households in the U.S. plan to buy an HDTV in the next twelve months"
I ckecked the report (it's from 2005), and that specific statistic didn't make sense. They predicted 47% of households planned to buy HDTVs in 2006, yet for 2009 they predicted for sales to rise by another 240% against 2006, which would be 113% of households buying HDTVs in 2009??

Hardcore gaming is a bubble economy blown up by Microsoft's $7 $6 billion losses.