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Crystalchild said:
Slimebeast said:
I have a problem with my Pawn. She definitely is out there being hired by other real players as she brings me rift crystals and a couple of new gifts daily, but I just can't see any other evidence of her being hired. I receive no ratings and no personal message.

I'm dying to know her appearance and combat rating but there's just "-" "-" "-" where the 1-5 stars normally are. And when I look under Pawn stats (under the History menu) it says "times main pawn hired: 0"

Also when I go into the rift and try to search for "pawns that Main Pawn has met with other Arisen" it tells me option is unavailable or something.

Can someone please look into this? What feedback do you get about your main pawns? Same experience?

i *think* those pseudo-hirings are made up by the game itself, really. For when your pawn really was hired, you'll get some insight in what he/she fought, and how its performance was rated.

tho' you won't be pleased by how some people use the ratings-system. a LOT of people just click their way through the rating scheme, giving you 3 stars... even if the pawn wasnt even actively used, meaning, more often than not, the rating does not have any real meaning.

PS: do you play the game on PS3? i love to hire pawns to actually rate them properly and give the creators hints on what to improve, plus i like to get feedback too. so if you dont mind and, in fact, have the ps3 version, my PSN ID is Crystalchild.

Oh dammit! I suspected it was pseudo hirings made by the game!! So that's the explanation. Damn. But I still wonder why my Pawn only sometimes after having come back from the Rift asks me "how did I perform, I tried my hardest" as if someone rated her. But I guess that's a pseudo thing too. I can't believe that my pawn hasn't been hired even once! I want to cry. Why??

Yes, please use my pawn and give me feedback! My PSN is SlimebeastS.