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UnitSmiley said:

Really have been interested in this game. Tbh I hate Wrps. I love Jrps. This games very existence troubles my soul.
I heard that the biggest drawback to the game is not having an option to fast travel and apparently it has a rather weak story (Not my words, it was from a review I saw).

The combat looks great, but I just can't tell if i'll like it or not. I hated Skyrim for being unimaginative as it looks like every other wrpg ever. Oh hurray I can explore this huge world! That's nice, too bad the world and the people who inhabit it honestly bore me to death. So i'm not sure how I feel about Dragons Dogma. I also hated the aesthetics in Skyrim (the characters mostly). The character designs look a bit better here (I prefer more anime looking characters..or ya know, not hideous looking ones) Since this is technically a Jrpg, I'm wondering if i'll still have the same negative feelings I have with wrpgs for this game. What do you guys think? Does this game just feel like another wrpg clone, or can you very easily pick out the Jrpg elements and style from it?

depends if you have played Fable II and Infinite Undiscovery.  Dragon's Dogma to me feels very much like it has elements from both those games and skyrim all in one.  Graphically the game lacks a lot of polish and the cut scenes have that lips don't sync with the voices and the animation during them (to me) don't quite feel right in the way westerners would act.  

The graphics are also a mixed bag. I actually love the lighting in this game, but the resolution is low, there are borders on the top and bottom, the frame rate is inconsistent and the pop up jarring. Also in the 360 version during the the early hours in cassardis town the screen tearing is horrendous but it seems to be less intrusive later on in the game.  Also in the Blue Tower section when you chase after a certain boss the frame rate is really bad in there.


The battle system is where it really becomes fun I've yet to try magic archer and assassin but; warrior, mystic fighter, mage and sorcerer I've enjoyed a lot.  

To me what seperates this from western rpg's is the character animations, I just love the way characters run and the flow of clothing and the way characters animate.  The chracters and enemies imo don't feel stifled or rigid like western rpgs.

One thing I 'll advise you to do if you decide to pick this up is maybe turn off the dynamic battle camera which I found annoying.  It's the one where in battle your pawn yells out some battle cry and the camera flies over to them...